Peace of mind through financial confidence

You are at the most hectic stage of life, juggling the demands of a career, family and community responsibilities, struggling each day to find time to fit it all in.  We know there are only 24 hours a day to get your 25 hour to-do list completed.  Don’t let your finances be the area of life left undone.

Here are some questions to consider during this stage of your life:

  • Is my current savings strategy going to provide enough for me to have the future I envision?
  • How much do I need to save for my children’s education costs?
  • Is my planning as tax effective as it could be?
  • Should I pay down my debts or save more?
  • What would happen if I couldn’t work?  Am I adequately insured?
  • Do I have the right investments for my goals?

Building Wealth

Have you wanted to put in place a savings plan but just can’t find the funds to do so?  Do you have a savings plan but want to be sure it is the most tax effective plan?  Do you know if an RRSP or TFSA is better for your situation today and tomorrow?

We start by establishing a detailed budget to help you save for your life goals all while still having fun in today’s world. Paying yourself first is an essential habit in order to prosper financially in the future.  Specific to your own unique situation, we will help you choose the most appropriate savings vehicles and investments to reach your goals.

Debt Strategies

There is good debt and bad debt.  Have you structured your debts in the most tax effective way possible?  When was the last time you reviewed how your debt worked for you?  Do you have the best type and term of mortgage for your financial plan?

Working with you, we can create a plan to handle your current debt in the most efficient way and nurture the focus and discipline to have only ‘good debt’ moving forward.

Financial Planning

Financial planning is a process.  At Arbutus Financial, we use a six step process to take stock of where you are today and identify strategies to help you accomplish your current and future goals. By working together to help you discover and define your values and goals, we will clearly understand your vision and assure your financial plan fits.  We answer questions about retirement forecasting and planning. What contingency planning has been done?  How much money do you need to keep your current lifestyle in retirement?  By identifying the challenges to accomplishing your vision, we can build a plan addressing the barriers to achieving your goals.  We will help you to implement recommendations and complete the steps paramount to your success.  Finally, we will meet annually to update the plan and assure life’s changes are addressed in your plan.

Insurance Planning

Insurance provides peace of mind and, in some cases, efficient tax planning.  Does your insurance do that for you?  Do you have the right types of coverage?  Do you know the appropriate amount of life insurance to cover your needs?  Your largest asset is your ability to earn an income.  Is it protected properly?  If a loved one gets sick or is injured, will you be able to take time away from work to look after them?

Work with us to understand the coverage you have and to create a plan to protect your current and future assets.

Will & Estate Planning

Your will is the last planning document you have to legally outline your intentions after death.  Have you updated it recently?  Does it address your current situation and your intentions?  Having an up-to-date legally binding will is a key element of your estate planning.  At Arbutus Financial, we work with allied professionals to assure this area of your planning is in order and will do what you intend.